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Elite Consulting, P.C.

CPA/ Tax Consulting Firm in Chicago, Illinois

Tax Planning, Tax Preparation, Monthly Accounting, Wealth Creation, Retirement Planning & more!

We take pride in our unrivaled client experience and strive to be the very best Tax Consulting Firm for business owners in the US, and it is our mission to help our clients save money every year for as long as they’re in business.

"Believe in the magic of hard work”

Meet Telma Landhorian, CPA

Even after becoming a certified public accountant (CPA), I knew almost nothing about taxes. When I started, I hired an accountant and paid him $1,200 to file my return. A few years later, I came across a “tax planner”. He showed me I’d been overpaying in taxes by more than $16,000 per year with my current structure. He asked for $5,000 and I gladly paid it. That advice has gone on to save our clients millions of dollars in taxes, enabling us to hire high-caliber employees and create incredible products and services for our clients. As a result of that advice and lessons I learned along the way, I’ve realized the power of tax planning and that most accountants, CPAs, and tax professionals are lacking this knowledge—to the detriment of their client's financial lives every single year. We built Elite Consulting, P.C. to arm business owners with the tools and knowledge they need to actually realize the outcomes they are looking for, through offering advisory services—such as tax planning, CFO services, and wealth management—as well as providing tax compliance and full accounting service. If you’re ready to make the shift from compliance to advisory, let’s get started!

Meet Our Team

CPA Northbrook

Tax Planning and Tax Preparation

Whether you’re trying to preserve your wealth, save for retirement, or generate a new stream of income using your accumulated capital, our tax experts can help.

Tax planning is something that you and your company should be doing the entire year, not just during tax season. With our flagship tax planning services, you’ll get everything that you need to feel confident that you aren’t overpaying or underpaying on your quarterly or annual dues.

Tax Professional Chicago

Legacy Building

Our customers want to make more than a nest egg for retirement. They want to make a financial legacy that will support them, serve their financial goals, and enable them to pursue their life goals without needing to worry obsessively about money.

We’re here to help our customers build the future of their finances by moving funds into investing portfolios, honing their strategic financial mindset, and helping them to articulate their long-term financial objectives.

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Hear Directly From Our Clients

“Telma did a great job for us getting our accounting in order on a property in our portfolio, a 600+ multifamily property. She works quickly and has a great attitude. She works with the management team and accounting department to organize the entries and she builds a relationship so that she can continue to help as needed on an ongoing basis. I have enjoyed working with her on this assignment and look forward to working with her in the future!”

Hayley St. Claire

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Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer.

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I know you’ve heard it from your broker ...

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Serving clients across the nation based in Chicago, IL

Contact Elite Consulting, P.C. - CFO & Tax Planning Experts based in Chicagoland..
